EA on a Page EAP on a Page The Book Related Reading
Enterprise Architecture on a Page
Enterprise Architecture on a Page is an evidence-based model of enterprise architecture (EA) on a single page. It provides a one-page aggregated view of popular EA artifacts used in organizations with their most essential properties, including their informational content, representation format, high-level structure, overall meaning, typical usage, temporal lifecycle, general role, key purpose and associated benefits
Enterprise Architecture on a Page
Enterprise Architecture on a Page (v2.1)
Enterprise Architecture on a Page (v2.0)
Enterprise Architecture on a Page (v1.4)
Enterprise Architecture on a Page (v1.3)
Enterprise Architecture on a Page (v1.2)
Enterprise Architecture on a Page (v1.1)
Enterprise Architecture on a Page (v1.0)
Enterprise Architecture Practice on a Page
Enterprise Architecture Practice on a Page is an evidence-based model of an EA practice on a single page. It provides a one-page aggregated view of the core processes constituting an EA practice with their interrelationships and most essential properties, including their main goals and motives, necessary participants, underlying EA artifacts and documents, key activities and associated techniques, temporal nature and general meaning
Enterprise Architecture Practice on a Page

Enterprise Architecture Practice on a Page (v1.1)
Enterprise Architecture Practice on a Page (v1.0)
The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment  
The Practice of Enterprise Architecture
A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment
Now available for purchase in paperback, hardcover
and Kindle formats in Amazon and other retailers
Based on an extensive study of the actual industry best practices, this book provides a systematic, end-to-end description of various aspects of an EA practice integrated into a consistent logical picture. This book offers research-based, conceptually sound and practically actionable answers to the key questions related to enterprise architecture
Related Reading
# Other Related Reading Format
1Six Types of Enterprise Architecture Artifacts PDF, Web
2Eight Essential Enterprise Architecture Artifacts PDF, Web
3The Relationship Between Enterprise Architecture Artifacts PDF, Web
4Enterprise Architecture on a Single Page PDF, Web
5The Process View of Enterprise Architecture Practice PDF, Web
6Enterprise Architecture Practice on a Single Page PDF, Web